Further Development & Playtest Preparation

With white boxing and player movement completed, I began to move on to the development of Crescent Valley’s main mechanics: Alex’s journal and Ida’s flute. Beginning with Alex’s journal, I placed a few interactable objects around the map that, when interacted with, add information to the

journal that wasn’t there before. My goal for the playtest is to have this mechanic fleshed out to the extent that testers would have somewhat of a goal as they play and be inclined to explore, which is the feeling I intend to invoke with the game in general.

As the journal mechanic is the main aspect of gameplay in the playtest, the art for it had to be completed so that it is interesting for the playtesters, and that the level isn’t simply made up of placeholder assets. It also means that there will be a more accurate representation of the final look of the mechanic, which will garner more useful feedback.

Another part of preparation is to have rough versions of the first few cutscenes to ensure playtesters aren’t confused as to what is going on. It will also provide context for the presence of the journal mechanic and will ultimately lead to a more memorable experience.

Some examples of rough cutscenes

Ground floor map with colliders