Final Push
For the final few weeks of development, my focus is mainly narrowed towards finishing art for Crescent Valley, as this will make the game more immersive, which is one of my main goals with this project.
Additionally, a second playtest revealed bugs that still needed fixing. The most game-breaking of which was an issue with triggers and UI: if the player stood in a trigger for narration UI as well as a trigger for a door, the UI would appear, but the player would also be moved through the door. They were then stuck as they couldn’t disable the UI when standing outside of its trigger. This was fixed by moving the “disable UI” code into the OnTriggerExit method, meaning that when the player goes through the door, the UI disappears anyway.
As for art, there are a few layering issues in the outdoor area that are in the process of being fixed. I have also been working on the final cutscene art as well as character animations. These will be my main focus from now to the final deadline.